77th Annual Amador County Fair, Plymouth, California
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108 imagesOpening day parade, Miss Amador Scholarship Pageant and Mutton' Bustin" at the 77th Amador County Fair, Plymouth, California, July 23, 2015
22 imagesDay two of the 77th Amador County Fair, Plymouth, California. Cattle, Antique Sawmill, Carnival and Kids.
108 imagesDay three of the 77th Amador County Fair, Plymouth, California. Cattle, Antique Sawmill, Carnival and Kids. The day's highlights included the Adult Round Robin livestock showmanship competition, local cattlemen's events, tractor safety rodeo, the rodeo and Mutton Bustin' championship.
158 imagesFinal day of the 77th Amador County Fair, Plymouth, California. Cattle, Antique Sawmill, Carnival and Kids. Highlights are the 51st annual Junior Livestock Auction, traditional mud dive of the of the Miss Amador Scholarship queens and the main event, the Destruction Derby.